Being able to get the heck out of dodge for a few days was very much needed for the hubs and I. We took a trip to Cozumel Mexico and our plans were to do…..NOTHING. We had one small excursion to go snorkeling and that was it. To be able to sit and wind down from such a hectic schedule (which don’t get me wrong…I LOVE MY WEDDINGS) was so nice. I had the best company in the entire world and be able to actually be around him for so long was amazing!! Corey is a personal trainer and, to me, it feels like I hardly get to see him. My schedule is pretty normal…well at least to me lol and his…I get tired from just looking over it. We both work our butts off and are very dedicated to what we do. We both have our dream jobs and in order to keep that going we want to make sure we give it our all!
So like I was saying, before I branched off haha, we went to Mexico to have a nice little getaway. I brought along my little Fuji camera to grab a couple shots here and there. I made more of an attempt to enjoy the vacation more than documenting. However, being a photographer it will sometimes get the best of me. I did make sure that wherever we went the camera was with me just in case there were some shots that I couldn’t pass up…and below are just a few of my favorite 🙂